
A guide to the Sparkbox apprenticeships

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Apprenticeship Resources and Curriculum

Code Review Checklist



The Sparkbox Apprenticeship is comprised of a curriculum supplemented by a regular schedule of: pairing with fulltime Sparkboxers, pairing with other apprentices, journal writing, informal and formal reviews which include short presentations.


With Sparkboxers

Nothing can compare to sitting with full-time, professional developers to gain exposure to good technique and problem solving. Our apprentices are expected to pair at least twice a week, at least one hour at a time, with full-time Sparkboxers.

With Other Apprentices

Sometimes, figuring out a problem with another person—even if the don't have any more answers than you—can really benefit new learners. Sparkbox apprentices are encouraged to collaborate and pair with their fellow apprentices early and often, and pairing becomes essential as the apprenticeship progresses into group project work.

Journal Writing

If for no other reason than to allow apprentices the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and catalog their progress, we ask our apprentices to journal once a week. Book reviews, thoughts, struggles, lessons learned, and feedback to Sparkbox are all encouraged.


Formal Reviews

Roughly once a month, we hold formal reviews with Sparkbox apprentices. In these reviews, apprentices are given the opportunity to practice their presentation skills, speaking for a short time about a subject of their choice related to their recent learning. In these reviews, apprentices are given feedback on areas in which they can improve, areas they have already improved, and new goals are set.

At the end of each formal review, we mutually have the opportunity to determine if the apprenticeship should continue, not continue, or if Sparkbox would like to extend an offer for full-time employment.

Informal Reviews

Informal reviews occur weekly. Sparkbox leadership sets aside portions of their week to give short checkpoint status meetings with apprentices, checking in on goals and the overall individual apprentice's experience.