
A guide to the Sparkbox apprenticeships

View the Project on GitHub sparkbox/apprenticeships

Apprenticeship Resources and Curriculum

Code Review Checklist




  1. Site uses a cache buster for expiring .js, .css, and images
  2. JavaScript and CSS is minified and concatenated into logical groupings
  3. Images have been optimized by ImageOptim (


  1. Code does not contain inline JavaScript event listeners
  2. Code does not contain inline style attributes
  3. Code does not contain deprecated elements & attributes
  4. Page begins with a valid DTD (HTML5 doctype)
  5. Code is indented using hard tabs
  6. Tags and attributes are lowercase
  7. Tags are closed and nested properly
  8. Markup is semantic (e.g. class names do not denote presentation, Items in list form are housed in a UL, OL, or DL)
  9. Tables are only used to display tabular data
  10. Element IDs are unique
  11. Code validates against the W3C validator
  12. DOM nesting depth does not exceed 12 levels
  13. Total page weight does not exceed client requirements (e.g. 1000kb)
  14. TItle case is used for headers/titles and forced to all caps using the CSS declaration text-transform: uppercase;
  15. Where text is included via images, CSS image replacement is used.


  1. All user input is “sanitized”
  2. Form elements are paired with labels elements containing the for attribute
  3. Form label/input pairs are wrapped with a block level element (e.g. <p>)
  4. Forms are logically arranged within fieldsets


  1. Page has a proper outline (H1-H6 order)
  2. Alt attributes exist on all elements
  3. Video is accompanied by a transcript and closed captioning
  4. Code validates against WCAG priority level 1 and 2
  5. Events and styles applied to :hover are also applied to :focus
  6. Tabindex order is logical and intuitive


  1. Style blocks are externalized to .css files
  2. Consistent naming conventions are used
  3. CSS validates against the W3C validator
  4. CSS selectors are only as specific as they need to be; grouped logically
  5. A print-friendly .css file is included in the page
  6. A reset.css file is included in the page
  7. CSS sprites are used to combine images
  8. CSS selectors gets more specific across files
  9. CSS shorthand is used for properties that support it
  10. CSS selectors are not tag qualified
  11. CSS properties are alphabetical (except for vendor-specific properties)


  1. Script blocks are externalized to .js files
  2. Consistent naming conventions are used
  3. Code adheres to the K&R style
  4. Core page features function with JavaScript disabled
  5. JavaScript belongs to a namespace (no globally scoped code)
  6. jQuery selectors are performant
  7. jQuery objects are cached
  8. Event delegation is used for binding events to 2 or more elements, or ajax'd elements
  9. Script blocks are placed before the closing <body> tag
  10. Code has been run through JSLint ( or JSHint (


  1. Uses a valid <title> element with a valid text node
  2. Uses description meta data
  3. Uses visible header tags

Code Base Checks

  1. All code is checked into SVN or other source code repository
  2. Unused sections of code are removed
  3. Code is commented where appropriate
  4. Client-side code is free of any references to development and staging environments, URLs, or other development settings (e.g. dev Facebook application IDs)
  5. Any environmental defaults reference production.
  6. Any dependency definitions use exact versions.

Code Review Tools

  1. Markup: DOM Monster bookmarklet
  2. Markup: Diagnose Chrome Extension
  3. Markup: W3C HTML validator
  4. CSS: W3C CSS validator
  5. Performance: YSlow
  6. Performance: PageSpeed
  7. JavaScript: JSLint/JSHint
  8. Accessibility: SortSite
  9. Accessibility: JAWS/NVDA/VoiceOver
  10. Accessibility: CynthiaSays